Friday, April 15, 2011

Spring Suprise!

First, no, steel bolts do not "spring out and plunge straight through both cheeks."

Now that we have that out of the way, the seedlings I replanted after the big storm are doing well.  One major issue remains, however.  I don't know what most of them are!!!!!   While they're alive, they're still mostly at that stage where everything looks alike.   Once they have actual leaves I'll start posting pics and we can play "Guess that plant!"  Whee!  I should have some suhyo and some yellow squash that just came up.  They were mystery seeds/seedlings too, but easy to tell apart from other things.  I just replanted my zucchini.  I lost the seeds I bought for a while.

On the bench front, I sanded almost all of the wood last night.  I have some large pieces that still need to be sanded, but they also need to be cut quite a bit, so I'm waiting to sand until then.  We also got the table saw set up, but we need to raise it about 3 inches.  Hopefully we'll be able to do some cutting on Sunday, but I'm not sure that will happen with other more pressing issues.

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