I've decided that I want to post about not just the plants, but about the various garden related projects I've got in the works. So today I'm posting summaries of all the things I've been doing while it's been too cold for my plants.
I've got most of the wood I currently have sanded, and now that the temp is above freezing at night, I can start staining again. I'm using Olympic Semi-Transparent Blue Sapphire stain. I'd link you the color, but the Olympic website doesn't have a good url to show just the color I'm using. Before I can sand and stain some of the boards, I need Tim to cut them to size. We've got a few scraps of pressure treated lumber that was in the garage when we moved in. I'm using that for some of the small support pieces and for the grate, since the grate will see the most moisture. The rest of the lumber I'm hoping to get from the Habitat for Humanity ReStore.
3/4 x 6 x 74 in Cedar Board (w00t)
3/4 x 2 1/2 x 48 in Heartwood Cedar Board
Those are my windfall pieces. I've also got, in pine, the wood for the front and back legs, two of the shelves, the bottom shelf supports, some of the bench top frame, and most of the bench top. I still need the bottom shelf, the long pieces of the bench top frame, the backsplash, and the back supports for the shelves.
I thought I had one of the long pieces for the bench top frame. It was a pretty banged up and dirty piece of wood, so I was going to use it where it would not be seen. In fact it was in bad enough shape that I asked Tim to take the belt sander to it. I don't have enough confidence in my skills to use the belt sander when it's not clamped into place yet. When he got done sanding it, it turned into a lovely piece of poplar. It is now in our random lumber pile. C'est la vie.
I've got most of the wood I currently have sanded, and now that the temp is above freezing at night, I can start staining again. I'm using Olympic Semi-Transparent Blue Sapphire stain. I'd link you the color, but the Olympic website doesn't have a good url to show just the color I'm using. Before I can sand and stain some of the boards, I need Tim to cut them to size. We've got a few scraps of pressure treated lumber that was in the garage when we moved in. I'm using that for some of the small support pieces and for the grate, since the grate will see the most moisture. The rest of the lumber I'm hoping to get from the Habitat for Humanity ReStore.
3/4 x 6 x 74 in Cedar Board (w00t)
3/4 x 2 1/2 x 48 in Heartwood Cedar Board
Those are my windfall pieces. I've also got, in pine, the wood for the front and back legs, two of the shelves, the bottom shelf supports, some of the bench top frame, and most of the bench top. I still need the bottom shelf, the long pieces of the bench top frame, the backsplash, and the back supports for the shelves.
I thought I had one of the long pieces for the bench top frame. It was a pretty banged up and dirty piece of wood, so I was going to use it where it would not be seen. In fact it was in bad enough shape that I asked Tim to take the belt sander to it. I don't have enough confidence in my skills to use the belt sander when it's not clamped into place yet. When he got done sanding it, it turned into a lovely piece of poplar. It is now in our random lumber pile. C'est la vie.
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